Shared Storied Source!!!

History of the Shared Storied Source

(A doozy of a story)

So, this is something I want to do during the day of this page. And the reason for it is because I got caught with one thing that has made me think about something like this. Let me tell you, I went off the fucking rails.

With that, let's start, shall we?

What inspired this page?

So, funny enough, this inspiration behind this page are some of the speedpaint videos made by Sch Ribbit. Some of the characters from the Magical Girl idea, Rainbow Cafe, and even the characters that were initially part of Jaden Unshaken before the trio are in the Diamond Water universe all originated from an idea they had when they were wee little lad.

Here are the videos for a better explanation than how I could've worded it.

So yeah, that is basically the main inspiration for this idea of taking from a shared source that is the old ass idea of mine.

But what even is the old idea of mine, anyways?

Part 1: Shi no Baka

A'ight, I know some of you cringed when you read the title. On one hand, I don't blame you because what the fuck. But on the other hand, I would like you to keep in mind that I was 12/13 years old when I made that title and it was around 2008 as well. I was deep within my weeb years.

Anyways, as you might gather, I forgot the translate for "Shi" because it was from 2008 Google Translate. You can gather how oh-so well it worked.. Back on topic, Shi no Baka was meant to be a comic that is Magical Girl Slice of Life Comedy, with maybe a dash of romance.

But that comic never came to be as I later realize that I prefer doing any creative field but comics.

But somehow, some of these yahoos just.. stuck around.

Yep. This is the first set of these yahoos. As you can tell, the art quality here is.... something. But as you can tell, some of these guys would some somewhat familiar

Surprisingly, I don't see the name of the black-haird girl but I'll remove the band-aid off now, this girl's name is "Gisselle". Yes, she has the same name as me; the fact that she is a self-insert is not lost on me. Funny enough, Shi no Baka was not her first appearance. That award goes to my old, OLD fanfiction, Super Azumanga RPG... Yes, I am being for realsies.

But yeah, She is the main character. Luckily, in later years, her name will no longer be "Gisselle" but we will get to that in due time

Next up is Nineko... God damn, was she like a fan favorite for some friends of mine. Now, she is sorta a sudo-parody of those fangirls, much to a point that in the Shi no Baka continuity, Nineko was kinda a pervert.

But at the very least, she isn't a pervert anymore... instead, shipping is a major issue.

(Before anyone frets: not to worry; Nineko is not one of those proshippers that accepts any and all ships. Nineko may have a shipping problem (we will get to that) but she has SOME level of standards of not going for the problematic ones.)

Because Nineko is kinda a fandom nutcase outside of the Shi no Baka continuity, a lot of my friends back in 2010 really liked her. Idk if they do now but hey, I cherish the times they did like her.

Now, those are the major ones but I will say for certain.

  • There is a girl with a bunny hat named Mana. I've tried to bring her back a couple of times back in 2010-2011 but idk, it never really stuck?? But, we will get to something later...
  • Yes, you do see Maroku.. as more of a human in the Shi no Baka-verse. He later got an upgrade to the design he has to this day.
  • The only thing to worth note with Michi is that she appeared in a one short fanime of mine back in the mid-2010s.
  • Axel and Maxel had some level of relevance outside of SnB but soon faded, especially since my sister (the person who Axel is based off) has since came out as a transwoman and Maxel is a clone of Axel soooooo... yeah, in the never used again realm they both go.
  • Rick had ZERO relevance. The only thing I can say about this man is that given he is based off my dad, you could make the argument that he is a pre-courser to Odesion from Penalty All About

And with that, we can move on to.......

Part 2: The Sudo-Storyless Era

So, the reason for this being storyless (kinda) is because I was very much hyperfocusing on my fan-fictions at the time before I lose all motivation. But that's not to say I didn't have any OCs during this era. There is one that is relevant to the main discussion!

This is OG Suney!! She was made during the 2011 part of the era!! According to the OG Bio, she was an experiment created with "the essences of the Sun, blood of sweet girl, and Luquefied Media." Seems that she's tend to be nice but she's easily sensitive. Once someone acts like a REAL dick to her, she beats the living crap outta said prick.

So yeah, quite the character, really. And who (in universe) created Suney? Luckily, I got the next character ready to share

This is Dr. Kendocks! A 32 year old scientist so has created experiments from the ground up! There are plenty of more he created but they are not exactly important. What is important is that he is essentially a father figure for Suney.

And outside of Suney, I have been making more picture of my old sona/self-insert (I refuse to refer to her as "Gisselle" this point forward.) and Nineko and the shenanigans with that duo

I think on that note, we skip to 2015 as that was the year I started to care for these yahoos again.

Roommates/Condo Crew

So, the reason why we skip to 2015 was because in 2012-2013, I was focused on making web novels and trying to make PAA a thing. Once I made it a fanime started 2014, I thought back at some of my old OCs.. and then I remember the three yahoos I've prevously hinted at.

And that's when the gears started to turn

I gave my old self-insert/sona a name change as "Josepheen" to better disconnect from my dumbass, then gave Nineko and Suney the same type of uniform that I later gave Josepeehn, and drew Visual Novel Sprites for them!!

Fun fact: I was initially wanting to make this into a Magical Girl Fanime because Hey! Josepheen started out as a magical girl so why not?

I even had the audio that is now lost media.. ^^;

But I stuck with what I was working on at the time... And that's when one friend of mine (we'll call her FG) came into my DMs and be like "Hey, let's make a fanime of these three for the 48 Hour Challenge!"

Now for context

FG really liked a lot of my OCs (rather it's original characters of fan characters) at the time, she made gift art (via art trades) of some of them (Nineko especially).

And also, I have asked her to help me out for the CGs for Penalty All About so she is familiar with fanime!

And thus... came Roommates!

Now, the writing and art was done by FG. And thus, she also help with characterization of all three of these dingleberries, hence why they all seem kinda bitchier. (Josepheen and Suney especially). It wasn't really my initial intention but really... I kinda liked how it turned out!

Like yo, this gurl was cookin'!!!

There were plans for an episode two for Roommates but FG probably had IRL stuff to deal with and since took an indefinite hiatus from the internet.

(Honestly, good for her, I hope she is living a much mentally healthier life than what I'm dealing with. ;w;)

But I still wanted to keep that type of characterization of these guys. I like how shady Josepheen is, how athletic Suney has become, and how so out there Nineko's shipping problem that she ships milk with plants!

Sooo, in 2018, I took those yahoos again, add a four member and made the concept: Condo Crew!!

Now, I will say that I was kinda proud of how this art turned out buuuut it's 2024 (as of me writing this), there are some things that needed improvements. But now we have characters like Momemi part of the crew, because I wanted to have one nice person in the group, LOL.

Hell, I even tried to make a kinetic visual novel coded in Ren'Py of all four moving in and Momemi is scared of how utterly insane Josepheen and Nineko are. Sadly, I never finished that because I was probably going through a rut a the time and was focused on working on Nemomia the Chaotic Hero.

With that said, I have thought about bring Condo Crew back but there was much needed business.

Firstly, name change and redesign for Momemi. Since Jades and Roses has Moemi, I thought it'd be best to change the former's name to "Koimia". Not only that but I've changed up her design since I later because dissatisfied with the OG design.

And then I made full refs in a kinda different style!

And here we are! At the current stop at the Condo Crew!!

Now while this maybe the end for CC for now we're still not done as now.. we go from a slice of life to magical girls!!

Magima Pelleit!!

Alriiiiiiight now we are back on the Mahou Shoujo train!!!

So, what gives? Why does this exists?

So, a bit of background, I was thinking sometime earlier this year, thought back to the self-insert before she became Josepheen and I remember.. "Oh yeah. She was a Magical Girl." So, I took inspiration from both her old ass design (which was funny given that design rips off Erin from Touhou, LOL) and even the lil' avatar I made from this god awful doll make "Otaku Avatar Maker" and made the initial design and named her "Cicella".

And while I liked the foundation for Cicella's design, I wasn't exactly happy on how the style turn out.

So I left it on the back burner unitl recently when I've decided to take old versions of some of my OCs and make new characters out of them!! And with a slightly different style as well!!

Outside of Cicella, we have characters that might be obvious from the get-go like Konamei (based off an older Nineko variant) and Soleyo (based off OG Suney) but here we have Mahomette! :0

Well, if you are wondering, Mahomette is based off Mana from the Shi no Baka continuity!!!

That's right! After years of failing, I've at least brought back some essence of Mana in a form of Mahomette, who is probably the brawns of the group!

Will a bring back Mana in her actual form? Maybe?? Idk if she would be on Condo Crew or her own thing tho but we got our purple hair gorl back in some way shape or form!

So yeah, this basically "Bring back older versions of OCs but as magical girls"!

Now the question is "Will this be a fanime or a different medium", LMAO

Fun Facts!!

I just thought it be fun to point these out. Starting with:

Differences and Similarities of the characters of Condo Crew and Magima Pelleit

  • Josepheen is straight; Cicella is a lesbian. (A fun nod to the fact I used to identify as Bi before realizing that I'm Ace, lol)
  • Nineko and Konamei are both nerds in their own right. It's just Nineko is shipping-drunk while Konamei is fighting-drunk
  • Suney and Soleyo have firey souls. The former is more upfront about it while the latter wants to keep in under wraps unless it's necessary. (Though she is still sensitive, like OG Suney)
  • Koimia and Mahomette are basically way to different, given they are not from the same OG charcter

And with that, I think we're just about to wrap it up!


So, what is even the purpose of make two stories based on re-imagining old ass characters?

Well, for one thing, for fun. Secondly, It's more so out of nostalgia of some of my old OCs from back in the yester-years of late 2000s/early 2010s. And while I would not bring back the original versions of those characters for a multitude of reasons (current Suney has actual tan while OG Suney is fuckin' pale), at the very least I want to bring back some elements and give it somewhat of a modern Gissy flair to it, ya know?

Rather you want to do the same or not is down to your prerogative. And on that note! I am done.

Thank you for taking your time to read this, I know it's a lot, gFDJOSNWOSICXNGK