Hello!! And Welcome to the Sanumashi Corner of the net!! Here we have our mascot, Sanumashi here to great you all with some information granted for you all today~!!
The main webmaster for this site is GissyEva, who has both a personal site and a a site called Fanime Realm. There will also be a site in the future called "Dango-pedia"! It's going to be bonkers, let me tell you!!!
We hope you enjoy your stay here and maybe there will be some cool stuff along the road.
Why this section of the site??
Two words, my friend: Decentralization purposes. For our webmaster, since late 2022, it has been rather rough since a lot has changed for the... well, there is a lot of mixed this to say about that but for simplicity sake: there are moments that she is not having a good time. As such, looking at her personal site that has evidence on how things used to be probably does not help matters. Like. At all.
Granted, Hindsight is a rather cruel being and slaps Gissy in the face everyday. Due to that, it might be for the best that some of the stuff such as pages for some friend's projects and art made for said friends will be transfering from her personal front of the site to this scetion and another section that probably won't be linked here. (Mind you, I rather have some peace intake now)
I know that to some, this is a rather foolish move and there are going to be some raised eyebrows. I get that. But really, re-origninizing the site to make it feel decentralized is more or less a better alternative for the webmaster. Place, we all came across one rather popular site on Neocities that has two sections. One is acts as a portfollio site and the other is a more personal website. And while there are more sections than one would find easy to understand, I do hope at the very least understand we're we all are coming from.
And on that rather unorthodox note, We hope you enjoy your stay here!!