Bunny and Caramel
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What's it about?
Bunny and Caramel is a fanime/web series/whatever created by Tyangerine. It has two seasons. Season 1 ran in 2019 while Season 2 ran in 2023. The second season of this series went through development hell, with the creator going through computer issues, voice actor troubles, school, and a lot more, man.
Plot for the first season is about the misadventures of a pegasus fashion model and an unicorn space patrol officer. Both of them have a bad habit of getting into weird situations, half of them due to Desdemona, a bad kid that Bunny happens to babysit occasionally.
What dis' made in
Season 1 was made with IbisPaint and KinMaster while majority of Season 2 is made with Clip Studio Paint and Adobe Premiere. Audio Editing was done by the gremlin that is the webmaster.