Gissy-Log Archive 2!


Reason for the Archives: Honestly, inserting so much code on the Gissy-Log page with the Neocites Coder has been TOOO much of a hassele and has has become super slow. So, that's why there is an archive.

Gissy-Log 5/5/2024 - An Overdue Re-Origination is in Order (With other stuff first)

Hello! Hope ya'll are doing well on the today of the date of May. (Don't ask why I structure this sentence like this.) And for once, this is a Gissy-Log related to this site specifically! Fancy that!

Anyways, there is a small thing I want to touch on before we get into the meat of the situation

123Guestbook is shutting down, gonna search for alternatives

Yeah so, I've looked at my feed on Neocities and found this out through there from one of the people I follow. Obviously, I'm not too happy about that as I want it to be a way folks can comment on my site without using Social Media. With that in mind, I will be looking for alternatives so I can edit that guestbook page on my site with a different link.

HMTL+CSS Layouts

I have been practicing making layouts when it comes to HMTL+CSS and I'm glad I have gotten a little better with it when I first started. Granted, I'm no where near as great as some of the other folks I see on Neocities (like bro, they go HARD with the formatting) but I'd say that I have been making some progress..... maybe. ^^;

And I want to give some showcase of the HTML+CSS Layouts I've made. I only made one which was made out of A.) Pettiness towards what TH is doing to CBC (Character-Based Characters). B.) Care for friends who don't wanna use ToyHouse (or any other OC storage) site anymore (And as a way to convince some of them to make their own personal site). Hell, I may even use it for myself if I'd want to redo my character pages.

Will there be more in the future? Probably but don't expect too much, I'm no professional nor an expert.

Now the main course of this log.

Sooo, I have been on and off about what I should do with the organization of parts of this site. I know that some folks will say that the organization is fine and all that but if I'm honest? I'm not exactly 100% satisfied with how things are currently are set up. As such, some areas of this site are going to be re-worked

And by that, I mean, I am going to make new types of webpages into what I like to call "A site within a site" type of deal and move some of the things from the main centralized area of the site to their more decentralized area.

I was initially going to make a new website entirely but that would be a shit tone of work to deal with in regards to making an a account on Neocities or even Nekoweb. (Emails, starting a new account from the ground up, etc.) And while I may be willing to do that for other ideas for websites (I've done it before for Fanime Realm), I don't know if doing this specific situation will do any good. So, that's why I ultimately made this specific decision of making new web page areas and moving some of those pre-existing pages (or at least the information) into their designated area.

Might take time but in the end, it would be worth it, at least in my personal opinion. Hell, believe or not, I actually am in the process of making 2 of the designated areas.

"Oh! Cool! Are you making your own layouts for those pages?"

......So about that..... No. ^^;;

Instead, I've decided to used pre-existing layouts I was able to find on both sites on Neocities and CodePen. I know this might sound like a bit of a let down, especially since earlier, it seemed like I was hyping up how I was getting better with HTML+CSS layouts but keep in mind, just because I'm getting better, doesn't mean that everything I do optimized. I am, at the end of the day, still a newbie when it comes to this stuff. As such, I have taken a like to some formats I found. One is something that you can see as late as the mid to even late 2000s and the other is just straight up late-1990s galore, LOL.

So yeah, using pre-existing formats will help with ease the process of making those two designated areas of the site! At the very least, I am making edits of the layouts to have more of the "Gissy-Touch"

And besides, the main site was literally built on the now old version of Sadgrl HTML Builder Layout, with the edits of the colors to make it more like my style of color choices. So really, I think I'm good using pre-existing layouts with these two in particular. ^^;

I'm also have a third idea for a "site within this site" but that would probably have a "coming soon page" as that might need to take more time. After all, the decentralization in a centralized area is sort of my main goal for this site as of now, if it means having a bit more personal satisfaction with how things are organized. With that in mind, for the few folks that follow almost a lot of stuff I do, I hope you understand and maybe look forward to the changes that will be coming!

Hope you have a good one and take care!!!

Gissy Log 4/18/24 - Update from the last Gissy-Log

Hi. So, I didn't expect to have an update in regards to the federiefederi situation.

So, after browsing a bit on Tumblr, it turns out that F+F is banned off of Neocities after an anonymous user reported them to the main owner, which had me more shook.

Like, yeah, the kids were being irresponsible and they didn't have the best response to the backlash but they weren't doing anything illegal??

Idk, maybe I might sound a bit to charitable to the average user and perhaps it looks like I'm playing devil's advocate but really?? I do think this last bit is going a bit extreme

Now again, I do think didn't handled the situation the best, let be be perfectly clear. They shouldn't have been as passive-aggressive as they were and definitely shouldn't threatening to block people that were criticizing their ways of handling it all. But reporting them to get them banned is kiiiinda going overboard. However, that is my personal take on the matter; you are free to disagree with me.

And to re-cap on why I even know about this: Fanime Realm was a part of federiefederi site and the situation was all over my feed for FR when it was all going down. That's why I feel that it is within my right to talk about the situation.

There was also a comment that made a comparison between F+F and Yesterweb, a community I was partially a part of as it was a part of the Web Revival.

I did enough research after all of the Yesterweb to draw to conclusion of "Decentralization is a good thing, actually". The same conclusion I had since late 2022 to all of 2023 but it still rings fucking true.

But yeah, I say that the comparison of F+F to Yesterweb is only similar in a sense of "Communities falling apart due to organizers not really doing a good job handling things they don't like." but that is about it, really. Other than that, the two situations are completely different from one another. One deals with a Sub4Sub and view gaming situation and the other deals with backdoor countercultural advocacy that slowly became the forefront which drove some folks away. I don't think those situations are exactly the same.

But yeah, that is all I wanted to say. Hopefully the next Gissy-Log will be something completely different.

On that note: that is all for that. Hope ya'll have a good one. ^^

4/23/24 update because I am not dedicating another Gissy-Log about this: So, I've looked around on Neocities for a bit and I saw that someone has archive the main F+F page before it was all gone. Honestly, kinda nice ending for those that did like how the site was set up. ^^

Anyways, I'm gonna make sure to write about something else now for the next Gissy-Log. Good day. lol

Gissy Log 4/16/24 - The federiefederi incident

Hello! Hope ya'll are having a much more peaceful time on the neocities than I was having. Anyways, this is the more topical of the Gissy-Logs because it sorta relates to a site that is once on Neocities but recently got deleted due to an incident that blew up. And hey, maybe telling this through text is probably more cohesive than me just babbling through voice. Sit back, relax, eat your favorite snack if you want to because this is a story.

So, as some of you already know, outside of this site, I also have another website called Fanime Realm. It's meant to be a directory for information about fanime, which includes a list of fanime projects (which is open for submissions btw)!

One day, I was minding my own business, even taking a bit of a break from web mastering to focus on other stuff and I notice that I got a comment from "federiefederi" on the Fanime Realm profile that is like "Hey!! Your site is cool! You can join our site!". Me, being the curious little wanderer I was, decided to look into it. From what it looked like at the time, it seemed to be cute lil' site that seems to be sort of webring. So, I followed the federiefederi profile, even went out of my way to create a lil' site button for Fanime Realm so it will be easier for the site owners to add!. Lo and behold, Fanime Realm was added site! Horaaaay. :D

Later on, I check in from that site once in a while but still, I was too focused on other things. The Fake Fanime Opening Challenge was for sure taking my focus.

(OP that I made btw)

That is until some time around a week before this Gissy-Log....

So, federiefederi made an announcement.

To make it short, in order to be the Top 8th site on Neocities, they essetially unfollow almost everyone because of the way Neocities work when it comes to mutuals. (Confusing, I know but I guess it is what it is????)

And naturally, once this announcement came out, a lot of folks weren't happy, feeling that it's bringing the toxic social media tendencies to Neocities. I just remained somewhat neutral because even though I get the anger, I didn't want to participate in the backlash. That and truth be told, I still wanted Fanime Realm be featured still.

The problem that I personally had is that all of that discourse was ALL over the main page feed on the Fanime Realm account. x__x;; Now, granted, the folks behind federiefederi weren't handling this situation the best either. Like, threatening to block anyone who has criticisms towards them isn't exactly the best way to go. However, holy crap, was the backlash too massive me to witness.

It has gone to the point where some people were making casual conversations like "How's ya'll's days been", "Who wants lemonade", or "What's ya'll's favorite Pokemon". Yes, I am being for realsies, this happened. Sadly it was not enough to block out the amount of comments federiefederi was getting that was like "I don't wanna support this project, remove; my site button" or something along those long. Not helped by the fact that federiefederi were being passive agressive about it all.

It was a whole fucking mess, let me tell you.

Hell, I was gonna do the long process of finding other folks on Neocites to follow so I don't have to see that entire hellhole that was happening. Thankfully, the next day, they seemed to close down comments, therefore, the feedback they were getting was not on my main feed anymore. Thank, GOD. Like, hoooooly fucking shit, was it getting a little too massive for my liking.

But way soon after, the site was deleted-


So okay, romayo, this is something that is just out of left feild. Like Neocites drama resulting in a site getting deleted was not on my 2024 Bingo Card, HELLO????

Though, I have a bit of a theory about this.

I highly suspect that the federiefederi duo were fairly young and maybe they were raised with that social media mindset in mind. Now, I'm not sure it that is 100% the case but it wouldn't surprise me if it was.

Now, I know that the intention for the site was not malicious; I understand wanting your webring to be big so than typical folk can look into it and see the smaller sites featured on there. With that in mind, the way it all played out with commenting on folks' profiles about joining the webring as basically a Neocities' equivalent of Sub4Sub (Shout out to anyone that remembers that situation when it came to YouTube.), it might have not been the greatest execution. Not helped by a lot that went down when it came to that announcement.

And while I am sorta bummed out that the site is gone (namely because of the fact that Fanime Realm was part of that psudo-webring), I do think it is for the best for these young-ins to take a step back and hey, maybe they'll learn from it all.

Despite some criticisms I have when it comes to handling the backlash, I do hope that the federiefederi duo will be alright after all of this. Maybe it's best for the both of them to focus on their personal website(s) and personal lives before trying to do something big.

With that said, I also hope that the other side of the incident would also be okay because despite my initially feelings of being overwhelmed by seeing the backlash the due was getting on my feed, I do understand where they are coming from, especially since they wanted to get away from what was the "Social Media Mindset" when it comes to the game of numbers.

Honestly, and I sorta got this from a conversation with a friend of mine, it basically a "Two Truths" type of situation; at least to me it is. Like, yeah, federiefederi had good intentions when it comes to wanting to promote smaller sites but also yeah, they didn't handle it the best by trying to get to the top 8 and unfollow everyone they initially followed in order to get that.

Yeah, they were passive aggressive but the backlash was massive that maybe it was probably too much for them to handle. (Okay, that last one is a theory.)

There is a lot more to say about the situation, I know there are other opinions on places like r/Neocities and MelonLand Forums but I'm sure as hell that we'd probably be here all day if we have gone over this so it's time to wrap it all.

So yeah, all in all, this has been a wild past couple of days for me when I looked into my Fanime Realm account. And I wanted to talk about this while this is fresh off of my mind. As I said, I do hope that those on both sides will be well and continue to be well.

And in terms of Fanime Realm, another friend of mine said it best: there's always other ways to get the it out there and you know what? That is a fair point. Hopefully there would be some sort of animation webring for me to join under that site! But! We'll see. I have some stuff under me belt.

And on that note, I said what I needed to say. Hope ya'll are having a good one. Take care!! ^^

Gissy Log 3/7/24 - The Bot Problem Arc of Creative Studio Forum

Hello! I know this is like the *shorter* amount of time since the last Gissy-log (at least compared to others that take like, a million years to get out) but it is something I want to talk about since it has been a recent thing that has been going on for a couple of months and only just the previous night of the date of this log it reached as conclusion that while bittersweet, it is probably for the best.

We'll start with one thing.

Recap: What is Creative Studio Forum?

Creative Studio Forum was... welll... a forum!.... for folks that have a or a couple creative projects. It was a relatively smaller forum until the guy behind Fanime Update (Evan) promoted it heavily on one of the updates that week, hence why a lot folks who were (and in some cases, still are) part of the community that time signed up. It did have some moments of inactivity after that but then Shadow Slayers (the roleplay hosted by funnybunnyjay) came along and just BLEW UP. There were so many other roleplays after that but none of them had as much of a positive impact compared to SS. (And with the excepting of one, none of them stuck around to the very end the way SS did)

Of course roleplays aren't the only thing that the forum had to offer, there were other forum games, as well as art games like "Give One, Take One".

In the past half of a decade, activity for that forum took a nose dive, especially with the rise of another (now dead) forum, The Fanimation Forums. And to this very day, the forum activity is basically non-existent, with the occasional bursts of activity. (Namely as jokingly saying "Ayo, rise up!")

Now, that we paint the picture, we now move on to.

The Egg on my Face (The Bot Arc)

So, during the whole rise of social medias going to the shitter (particularly Twitter), I've been making tweets saying "Hey, we should bring back CSF!". And the reason for that is likely due to the fact that I missed that forum. I'm the only asshole that regularly goes on that site, despite the lack of activity. But there is one tiny issue...

....There are parts of the internet (especially the core web) being overrun by bots and if the bots pick up posts from actual people, then there is probably a high chance they fuckin' feast on some sites mentioned in those posts. And now Creative Studio Forum became a victim of it! Now, Idk if CSF was the only ProBoards Forum that was targeted by these bots but it sure as hell felt like it was since I check all the over forums I had accounts in and they don't even have this issue at all-

Needless to say, I was upset but in retrospect, I think only have myself to blame because of the fact that I've made posts saying that I missed Creative Studio Forum and the bots might've picked that up. Don't get me wrong, I still fucking hated the fact that CSF was targeted at all but I feel like if I could've kept my mouth shut for a moment, the whole issues with the bots wouldn't have happened.

Regardless, during the previous night, I was so fed up with the bots fucking up CSF (all of them made 16 new forum threads in a span of 3 months). I tried to make a thread in between that time but no one else but myself was online the the bots continued. That's when I kinda had to break out of my usual shell.

The Bittersweet Conclusion

So, I messaged two of the mods for that forum (one on Discord and the other on both CSF and Twitter). Both of them took action accordingly! One of them deleted the 16 spam threads and the admin straight of disabled registrations but still keep the site up as an archive. While it is bittersweet that we ultimately had to come to this point, it is honestly for the best. At least the previous members that already signed up long can look back at the forum without bots spamming it. I do feel bad for those that are living beings that want to sign up but never got the chance to but it had to be done.

I do hope that the people that made those bots and fucked up CSF for a while a very stepping on many disorganized lego bricks. :/

Soooo, now what?

Well, I can safely say that the idea of bringing back CSF is certainly off the table, as we learned that trying to advocate for something like that on Twitter, which has a REALLY terrible bot problem, will lead to some major issues like the one we had to talk about today. (That and registration is closed which again, bittersweet but probably for the best.)

Now, is using forums out of the question? I wouldn't say so but talking about forums on sites like Twitter is. I still believe me talking about missing Creative Studio Forum and wanting to bring it back might've caused this issue and ngl, I feel that this is my fault..

I think that the safest option to talk about these forums is probably the community tab on YouTube or just mentioning the on Newgrounds. (Tho, I know the latter is a lil' more contentious for some folks.)

I will say that The Fanimation Forum is probably not an option. Not many folks are into fanime (either yet or anymore) and I'm sure the admin for it probably wants to move away from fanime (if the privating of the the videos of Fanime Zone is any indication).

So, I think that if I want to bring back forums, I think the best option is to just make a new Forum from the ground up. Er, well, kinda.... there is probably a good chance I would use sites like ProBoards and/or Forumotion for making those sites instead of making a new site from the actual ground up due to still using laptops as of me writing this. But yeah, making a new forum entirely is probably the best option. The issue is... what kinda a forum I wanna make.

A Creative Studio Forum 2.0 (I will not name it that way for safety reasons) or a Fanime Realm Forum?

With the former, I do feel that it would be beneficial if I were to to do that, since there are other creative endeavors many folks wanna go into (Literature, Audio Dramas, Video Games, Etc.) or even have animated works that the creator feel doesn't need the fanime label. But with the latter, it might be a lil' easier to organize since fanime relatively niche genre of animation.

Idk, maybe I'll do both. Being terminally online and not getting involved with bullshit that happens on the usual social media would probably help me do that, lol

Well, here's hoping that things will be more on the safe side regardless!

Gissy Log 2/28/24 - Sickness, Image Hosting, Discord, and You (Featuring Dante from Devil May Cry & Knuckles)

Hello! Hi! It's been a hot minute. Tbh, I wasn't too sure on where to start during the previous idea for a Gissy-Log but given very recent events, I finally have an idea.

We'll start with the sickness. During the 13th all the way to 25th, I had to deal with what started as a scratchy throat turned into basically the flu. It sucked and I hated it. I think someone at my mom's work got sick and due to that, she might've brought the germs home without knowing. So yeah, that sucked.

But that is normal. Having the flu, while annoying, is a common thing. So now we go onto the more interesting portion

So, this last week I was informed by a friend of mine that the images on my site (and some in the Fanime Realm site) broke. And there is a reason for that.

You see, that same week, Discord decided "Hey! We don' want ya'll to use this app as an image hostin' thing anymore!" and just start disallowing hotlinking to other sites. Now, I know Neocities disallows hotlink of images that are directly uploaded to your site to other sites but A.) you can still host the images you upload directly on your site and B.) I already knew that this was a thing during the beginning of building my site. Discord, on the other hand, allowed hotlinking for so long that it felt like a punch to the face seeing it be not the case anymore.

So then I had to

  1. Upload the images that needed fixing directly to my site (The surprisingly easy part)
  2. Fix the coding for said fixes (The unsurprisingly annoying part)

And not only that I had to do it for my site but parts of the Fanime Realm website as well.

God, help me.

All in all.... yeah, I'm not really trusting Discord to host images for hotlinking ever fucking again.

To anyone that is new to making a site on Neocites or even the newely made Nekoweb, I'd say upload directly on those sites to make it easier on you. But if you want to do the hotlinking to the other sites (like ToyHouse as an example)... this is where I may end up recommending an old frenemy of mine and that is Gyazo. Yeah, somehow, all the images that were captured in 2018 still works-

But, if you aren't fond of Gyazo, there is a good post on TH about the other options.

So, yeah, that was my last week. Hope ya'll had a better time than I did. o-o;

Gissy-Log 12/27/23 - A Year Recap 2: Electric Boogaloo

Heyo hey! It's been a hot minute since I've made a Gissy-Log. Well, I can say this, a... LOT has happened this year. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Needless to say, it has been a much more a rollercoaster for me specifically. Like, in terms of the good stuff, there are actually quite a fair amount of bangers this year! And in terms of the bad stuff... well, all I can say that if there is one thing I can take solace in, it's that those within my usual circles don' gotta will with majority on what I had to deal with during this year, these past five months alone! But I am getting ahead of myself. Lez do the recap

The Good

Well, There have been a fair amount of things that I can say that I'm glad that I accomplished or finally got the W in. In terms of what I accomplished, I was able to make a short story for the 2022/2023 Fanime Weekly Challenge! And it's a, what I like to call, a "Queerplatonic Love Story". Honestly, Moon Mansion Solitary has become a recent project of mine that I can take pride in. ^^ But that is not the only highlight as much to the shock of the entire internet (myself especially included), Super Mario RPG finally got a remake after so long!!

And I won't lie, during the day of the announcement, I was over the moon the whole day and later on, I was able to join the SMRPG Art Collab. I was super happy about that, as you can tell. When I first got my Switch Lite, I was able to Pre-Order the Remake, fullstop; by the time the game, released, I played it a lot. Granted, I have played it on breezy mood because I am what the hard core gamers would call me "A Flithy Casual" .. but still, I had a lot of fun! I cried near the end because the ending sequence for the remake is sooo good. ;u;

I have yet to play post-game as of me writing this but I have seen how it is through a friend's playthrough!

One more positive thing I can bring up is some related to fanime and neocities. And that is the fact that I created a website called "Fanime Realm"! Yes, I know "Fanime Catalouge" and "Fanime and Web Series Gallery". However, comma, both of owners of those sites are inactive and I wanted something that is very much an archive for information of all the fanime series, especially those that not many folk are in the know of. So, yeah. Kinda wanted to make something that I wanted to see from both the aformentioned sites. ^^; That and, I also wanted to test out trying to create a CSS for the HTML from the ground up. It was hellish at first (especially around launch day, good lord man) but it was worth it near the end!

Aaaaand that's all the positives... now we're at the negatives

The Bad

Of course, not everything is sunshine and rainbows because when the year is rough, it is so bloody rough. I might start with one thing that might be annoying but please hear me out. I am not fully over of all that has happened late last year and to be brutally honest, I think it's gone to the point where I have to make a lot of changes to my project... basically on the bi-monthly or tri-monthly (had a fair amount of enternal mood swings). For one particular project of mine, I went from still sorta wanting to continue its original state to wanting to make a (probably overbloated) series of RPG Maker Games to seperate some of the core characters to just go back to the orignal idea but have a lot of certain things taken out and be replaced with other factors (side things will be in other projects but just know that some things will be different moving foward.) So yeah, Tl;Dr I've stressed myself out before I raeched conclusions I've should reached before

....But would you beleive me if I told you that this wasn't even the worst part?

....Because let me tell you.... it gets worse from here.

So, there was someone I became friends with during 2022 of last year. Granted, both of us knew about one another prior to that but we became friends around 2022 and I was able to join their Discord Stream server! And after all that happened last year, they were one of the people I thought about reaching out to.... then came around August of this year.... oh geez. So, I was informed from another friend of mine who was friends with this individual about some of things in regards to the latter. Obviously, I don't want to get into too much in this Gissy-Log as it is far too much for me to re-cap, especially with a lot of context delves into some very heavy stuff... All I can say in regards to this whole mess is watch Doodletones' videos "Cloak & Dagger - A Cloud Palace Tale" and "Cloak & Dagger 2 - The Senatequal" (head the trigger warnings before watching them, tho; it is a lot). But if those videos are too long, you can watch Hiten Mitsuru's video on the matter, which is titled "Good Riddance".

So yeah, learning that a (now former) friend of mine was irresposible and manipluative about a situation is actually kinda hell, ngl. While I am the least affected by that situation since I wasn't exactly involved their shit (the folks who were involved needed more support), it still not a great feeling..

...But that is STILL not the worst part for me personally..

The Fuck-Ugly

A'ight... I'll keep this brief since it is a little more personal than the usual. But My mom's (soon to be ex) boyfriend has been really awful. He has always been so awful but this year, it has been really bad. My family and I can't take the verbal and psychological abuse from him anymore. And with the fact that my mom and sister (Antasia) willing to save money, my other sister (Cycira) giving a heafty donation to help our cause, and the donations that I recieved from my Ko-Fi that was able to reach a donation goal, I'd say we'll make it. But we have to get through all the manupulation tactics and the abuse from my mom's (soon to be ex) boyfriend in the next month or so. That and we need to prepare shit (which I might need help in since I'm kiiiinda dumb)

But yeah, all in all, fuck Adam.

How I'm feeling

Similar to how I feel last year. A ray of mixed emotions. But at the very least, in case with the more serious garbage I had to witness/deal with, I can take solace in the fact that with those within my usual circles don't have to deal with majority of the bullshit I mentioned. And the highlights of this year *are* really great, I was able to finish a short fanime, build a website from the ground up, was added to a stream chat ran by Doodletones, Super Mario RPG, a game that really meant a lot to me, got a remake and I was part of an art collab for it! So, there was a lot of positives this year for me... but.... MAN do the negatives suck ass. Mental health has been in the shitter because of it (especially IRL wise)

However, as I said, I can solace that those within my usual circles don't have to deal with this type of BS I'm dealing with. That and at the very least, despite dark thoughts looming in from time to time.. I am still around.

Sooo...... what now?

What I want to do moving forward

Well, first things first, I want me and my family to move away from Adam as soon as possible but that is already a given. I don't know how soon, given some circumstances that is too much for me to get into. (I will say that my Mom hope to reach April or May to reach her (insert age here) and see if we have enough money for that time

Another thing I want to do is handle my pocket VAs and Newer VAs when it comes to my projects. I've sudo-stated previously that a part of me wants to stray away from having close friends in main projects while keeping them for side projects. That much is kinda true.

.....One the flip side, I also want to do something utterly insane. Like, have a project that has three different voiced versions. I won't do in a short amount of time, let alone being able to do it in 2024, as there's other stuff I want to bring out for that year.

Speaking of that year, HOPEFULLY I'll be able to work on the Carrot Fluffs Remake in it. I was on a role for it when it was for the Weekly Challenge but than I cared for it. So I had to settlefor MMS. ^^; I'll get back to scripting it for it as soon as possible.

And on the side of side projects, there is something I'd want to talk about. So, there are some projects that are gonna stick to their medium (Scarecrow Story RPG) and there are those I'm currently unsure for the medium (Evavesto).

Well, there is one point I want to do a series of fake anime screencaps of my story ideas as a way for me. And I still want to do them but maybe with more simplistic storys

I might write a whole Gissy-Log about sometime next year

Also also, while I have to change up certain characters for a (not really all that planned out) project of mine, that doesn't mean that I got rid of those OG characters. It just means that they are all going to be for few seperate projects for now on. Much like my pockect VAs, I am going to be more choosy on which OC design I got from a friend would be in which projects and if it means that I have to make a new story than so it be.

Anyways, in terms of anything else IRL. I might take up a part time job next year. I want to be careful with what job I want to get tho (I.E., fuck working in fast food.). My mom wants me to take some online classes but to be perfectly honest, I don't know if I fully trust either myself handling these classes well or these classes for making compromises for someone like me. Plus, with Studet Loans still being a thing, that is already a no-go for me, bro.

Anyways, I've rambled on for long enough.


So yeah, all in all, this year basically was a fucking trip. The highlights were great but the low points really sucked ass.

Hopefully things will start to look up next year, especially since there is a chance my family and I would be able to move about April/May time. (Hopefully we'll have enough money to rent or buy a townhouse.).

I hope to God that next year would be better.

On that note, I hope ya'll had a much better year than what I had to deal with. Take care.

Gissy Log 10/14/23

Hello, so I know it's been a hot minute since I've made these logs. Well, I just want to give some updates

For the site itself

This site has been sorta laying dormant for a good while but I've decided to make a couple of changes here and there

Firstly, I've made a page that is too special for a Gissy-Log during Pride Month, which is how I discovered that I was Ace-Pan! I'd recommend giving that a read if you want to know how that went down!

Secondly, you also might've noticed that there are some new sub-pages for the "Recommended Indie Projects" section (now renamed to "Places for Recommended Indie Projects") Yeah, I'm not going to sugar coat this one: seeing everything together like that in the current circumstances has been kinda killing me on the inside and I have to deal with other types of bullshit as is (And trust me, we will get to THAT in a moment, don't you worry). So for the sake of my sanity, I separate them into pages of two friend groups I'm in and general "Collection of Projects" section. I know I may sound like I'm being ridiculous and truth be told, that mindset is probably correct. However, this is how I feel and I want to feel like I'm not in a state of reminds of what could have been.

Likewise, if I'm in more friend groups filled with folks that have their own creative projects, I could make a page for that as well! So, we shall see in the foreseeable future!!


Soo, as some of you may know, I've been through hell on decided to figure out which project I'd wanna work on for the (by the time of this log.) soon to be over Fanime Weekly Challenge. Earlier in the year, I kinda wanted to work on a vent project know as "New World Memories" (which I'm heavily thinking of giving it an overhall). Then I switched over to making the Carrot Fluffs Remake and while that faired a little better than NWM, I was getting too attached to it for wanting to make it an entry for the Weekly Challenge. It was was only until JUNE that I've decided to settled on a simple to make project, that was titled "Moon Mansion Solitary", which is more of a slice of life-ish story of a mushroomfolk maid and a flowerfolk butler becoming a queerplatonic couple. And the only reason why that was easy was because of the fact that it was only 4 episode. But regardless, I was able to get through that bullshit ringer and finally settled on a fanime for the weekly challenge

Now for one of other fanime projects

Carrot Fluffs (+Something else (kinda..))

I'm debating one what I'd want to do with it. And in all honestly, part of me wants to set up an mostly new voice cast. (I say mostly since I think I'm the only asshole that can voice Mokoko the way I'd like for her to sound like and I'd want KHF to keep his roles.). That said, I am worried that not many folks would be too happy about this decision because of how much some of them are hyped for their voice roles. I think if I were to take the route, I'll probably goin' to make an entirely new project for them to voice in, just to make up for everything. (I will probably make that 3 or 4 episodes as well, like with MMS). But yes, I am heavily debating on rather this is the route I wanna go with CF.

As for said hypothetically new project: if I were to do that, it probably be the last thing of its kind that would be on Eva Charat Staff.

And the reason for that is...

Decentralization for my fanime works (and future fan projects of other friends works)

I won't beat around the bush: this has not been a kind time for projects that every friend I have voice in, at least for me internally. A lot of stuff has changed around me and because of that, I am debating on rather or not I'd make shit less centralized. I know some folks make their own separate channels for something like, fanimes made for challenges that are separate from their main fanime and (in this more understandable case) having fanime that covers subjects that is not suitable for a younger audience (though I know there is an argument to made about how it wouldn't really fully work, since kids are curious little goblins sometimes. I know this; my sister shared some shit from Newgrounds to me when we were BOTH too young to go on that site.).

And in the case with me.. well, I'd probably want to make two separate channels that:

  • Fanime Works that one set of friends or another can voice in
  • Fan Projects of friends works/worlds
  • Collab Works with friends suited for either channel

I'd want to do that so then neither friends feel awkward for a fan-project and/or left out out an original work that is not going to be on the main Eva Charat Staff Channel.

Now you might be wondering on what the fuck is going to happen with the Eva Charat Staff YT channel? Well, don't worry, they channel is still going to be around, especially for my more major original projects. It's just going to be projects that are voiced by:

  1. Friends outside of my usual circles.
  2. Any poor soul from Fanime World or Fanime Castle I may end up dragging to some of these projects.
  3. VAs I'd get from from Casting Call Club
  4. My Dumbass if I wanna pull what I pulled with Sour Candy Filled Donuts and Nemomia the Chaotic Hero for one of these hell holes. (i.e., voicing every single bloody character myself because I'm an insane bastard)

And there also going to miscellaneous stuff like animation memes (if I ever go back to them and it's going to be the ones that were from back in MY day) and trailers to creative projects outside of animated works.

So yeah, the general things are not going away. Just some of the more specific that I was planning may have to be on separate home channels, for decentralization purposes. If things ended up being super different then how things are currently, I would not go forward this this idea and just have Eva Charat Staff be centralized for all of my animated works. But unless that metaphorical thing does happen, I'm just gonna go forward with the decentralization for when the time comes.

The only thing that is not planned out are the names. Like, I had some planned names for two of the separate channels but I think I need to come up with something.... better. Once that shit is settled, I will make at least one of the two channels (or turn one of my dead channels into one of them) once any of the future project that (in my not so humble opinion) is no longer viable to the main Eva Charat Staff channel will begin.

.....Gosh dang, I want on for long about this; BOTTOM LINE:

No matter how I look at it, I feel that decentralizing my fanime and other types of animated works is the most viable option. I'm sure if anyone probably is in the same exact position as me would understand why I come to that conclusion.

Other Creative Projects

Sooo, this section is not as elongated as the last section but there is still some stuff that I want to go over

Firstly, I had this idea for a project for quite a while and it's called Evavesto, which is essentially Evil Zone minus the death (mostly) and ecchi elements

And truth be told, I am debating on wether I made it an RPG coded in Ren'Py with a character select screen... or a game made in RPG Maker with an option to select which character to play as. And while RPG Maker would be the easier option, I know that it ain't going to be FULLY easy. Honestly, it's a good thing I started with something short like "A Cookie Tale" given the because if there is one trap that those that wanted to use RPG Maker fall into is that they start with a really really really ambitious project, when they could've start small.

And Speaking of RPG Maker, I want to go back working on my other idea for a game, Scarecrow Story RPG. Like, if I were to work on Evavesto as an RPG Maker game, I'd want to put it on the back burner until SSRPG is finished. And that is solely due to the fact that I want the latter to be the one I practice RPG mechanics with. Like, it's not going to be super original in terms of gameplay but I'd hope that in terms of story, it would be fun and engaging.... like Super Mario RPG.

I also want to make some other games that are made in something like GDevolop but the ideas zone for that is a dead zone until further notice

That said, I'm sure that it might take a long while. Hell, it all might take longer due to everything happening IRL.

which leads me to.....

IRL Circumstances

Sooo, I know those that read my community post would probably guess what is going on but I'll give the TL;DR version:

My Mom's boyfriend is a fucking nightmare. He is verbally abusive beyond all comprehension (especially towards my mom) and is fucking insane. My mom and sister, Antasia (still using place holder names), are planning to save up so we can all move out but due to a lot of things that makes is seem like we won't have enough money, I am THIS fucking close of setting a donation goal on my Ko-Fi.

I know that Antasia feels that it may not be a good idea, due to the current vibe of the online space and I get that, there is still a seveare lack of empathy on the internet at points. But at the same time, what good is just accepting sitting around and waiting for things to get better with no outside help can accomplish? So, things continue to escalate when it comes to not having enough money to move out, I'm going to snap and make that donation goal.

Let's hope that it doesn't get to that point and we'd be perfectly fine to move away from my mom's boyfriend asap.

Concluding Statements

Anyways, those are the things that have been on my mind, some of which had been things that have been on my mind for the majority of the year. I have been trying my best but it's also the fact that I'm also tired.

I hope that you find what I said here at least understandable. I know very few people who frequent my site (you know who you are) read these logs sooo yeah.

With that, I hope you have a good one and take care!

Gissy Log 5/16/23 - Early Digi-paint Hours

Hello so, I've decided to be insane today.

Soooo, I had bee thinking about the early Digi-Paint Era for Anime and how it has a bit of a reputation of not looking great compared to 90s anime and even anime that came out in the mid to late 2000s.

As a way to practice with how people make a frame during the Digi-paint Era, I've decided to take a screencap from a 90s anime and make it look like it was made in the era after.

The anime I have chosen was Di Gi Charat

I know one would make the argument saying that it might be a little unfair, given that DGC was very close to the new millenium. But it was the first I can think of that isn't Sailor Moon. So sue me.


Here is the original screencap of it (which is sadly small)

and there is the attampt I've made (which I resized from big for the drawing and to small for the final result.).

And here is the gif I made that took me a good day to deal with

I think the reason why it took me as long as it did was because I was doing this on FireAlpaca instead of Clip Studio Paint. Now before you say ANYTHING, let me say this:

FireAlpaca is a nice program that's beginner friendly! Ya'll are just mean!

That said, when it comes to this challenge, I wish I used Clip Studio Paint because I would've easily used the vector layers to get through the lineart and R+B Guidelines.

Anyways, that is all for today. I'm gonna go rest my hand for a bit before doing free drawing. Have a good one, lol

Gissy-Log 4/10/23 - I don't have a good title for this one.

Hello! Sooo, I have these recent thoughts in regards to my two sisters as of late. Don't worry, this is gonna be more lighthearted compared to all of my previous Gissy-Logs, which is now in the (first) archive page for the the sake of my sanity. This will also be one of the shorter Gissy-Logs, since it's not me having an existential crisis for the billionth time.

I think I will preface this with one thing tho.

I will refer to my sisters as fake ass (space-ghetto) names I came up with on the spot: Anstasia and Cycira

I would've refer to my sisters as A-ko or C-ko respectivally for simplisity sake but Project A-ko ruined me (affectionate).

Soooo, Antasia and Cycira it is, then!!

Anyways, one thing I find utterly hilarious is how vastly different we are in terms of like orientaion and identity.

We'll start with Cycira first, just to ease in the general folks.

Cycira is basically 100% Straight, married to a man, and has two kids of her own. (Yep, you read correctly. I'm an aunt.). So, you know, the standard fair that has been common place for the past 200 years or more.

And on the flip-side, we have Antasia.

Antasia is Bisexual Polyamorous, is a Transwoman, and has her own polycule atm. (She has both a boyfriend and a girlfriend to be exact.)

And then you have me.... a goblin

Nah but in all seriousness (and I mentioned this on my "About Me" page), I am Asexual Panromantic. I'm not really in a relationship at the moment. (I was in one way before this point but that is a story for another day.)

Although, I only realized that I am Ace-Pan as early as mid-2020. Before then, I thought I was Bi but really, I think the Ace-Pan label fits me more. (I mean, hell, there was a breif period where I thought I was a lesbian before I was vibed checked by my own imagination.)

Hell, I'm heavily debating whether I'd like to be in a purely Romantic Relationship with another Ace Person with some sort of romantic orientation or something different like a Queerplatonic Relationship. (Tho, in case with the latter, that could be just me thinking about two characters of mine that could be in a QPR and thought "What if for me", since I have thought of a lot of other things. Ya know. That sorta deal). That said, this is another discussion for another day.

But yeah, that's all I want to make a Gissy-Log about. Again, this is on the shorter end said because really, there's not much to say. Sometimes these logs are relatively short! And that's okay. :D

With that said, I'm good to go! I hope you have a good one and take care! ^^